Hi KeVz...Know that i never update my blog for a long time liao and u have been reminding me that......so now update for u to see...haha..see... i so nice to u rite? HeHe...basically nothing much happened to me these few days.....but jus finished my P.F.T.... so tiring....especially the 2.4km run...haha... but chEer Up P.F.T Is OvEr...Haha... sian.... now i need to finish my homework first...update again nxt time.. bye
WeD 9/7
Went To ScIenCe CEnTRe for a course on electroplating....journey there was quite bored though.... haha...but in the lab all of us started to be chatter box...keep on chatting until the lecturer seem pissed off wif us.....there...we did some fun experiments... on the return journey to bishan....on the bus...roslyn, lydia, darren, fiona, franson, kevin, jean anne and i played some code game.... we had to guess a number between a range of 1-99....the person who guessed the chosen number would have to do a forfeit....haha....me kanna 3 times.... i chosen dare.... my first forfeit was hitting kevin 3 times....second one was to tickle kevin under his chin.. and the third one.....was the worst..... i had to take off my shoe and wave it in the air 3 times..... bad bullies...aren't they? haha... but it was very fun.....
Sat 12/7
Fun fair was finally over...hehe....quite fun..hehe selling otahs and candy....but have yeoman duty to do.......from 12 plus to 2 plus..... traffic controlling was so tiring.... had to stand there and see that the traffic is ok...and worst... had to ask ppl to take temp first.....alot of them were complaining.... but quite a fun experience.....saw jensen and darren at the dunking machine.....they were trying to dunk mrs wong into the water.... darren tried 2 attempt...but failed...later he tried another two.... and managed to get her down in the water for once... while jensen had managed to dunk her in the water on the first 2 attempts....it was so fun to see the teacher getting wet...
Sun 13/7
Today woke up at 8 plus.... so early..... cuz i slpt at 10 plus last night....so tired after the fun fair.... then went to tuition at 10.30...hehe.... after my a-maths tuition...cement, miss Qoo, melanie, katherine and i went to have our lunch... after that we went to shop around...at watson.....cement and i disturbed miss Qoo...hehe.....cement pestered her to buy some snacks since it is our so called "tuition outing" haha..... cem purposely chosen the expensive chocolates such as merci and FR.... haha...later cem and i bought apple pies, cheeseburger and 2 vanila milkshake..... we snacked in class... haha...... later....finished our tuition at 3.30.....
WOOo....HehE... TodaY iS 1st Of JuLy....YoUtH DAy!!! And a HoLIdAy For Me tOO..hAHA...SiaN wILL Be bUSY dUirNG ScHooL dAyS hAVE TO StAy BacK IN SchoOl Till verY lAte....Hi IdIOt....i KnOW u Will Be ReAdiNg mY blOg...HehEhE... Wanna KnoW y i caLL U IdiOt? BeUCz......U ArE An IdIOt...Haha....JoKiNg LAr.... Dun KNoW y Jus LIke to Call U Tat... hehe But i KnoW u WoUldN"t Mind... Cuz U Nt That petTy One....SEE I PrAiSed U....shLd Be haPpy arh....ReALly Gt NotHiNG to Do...So CaMe to FloOd My BlOg... Hehe.....YEah!! sAt (5/7/2003) i went wif My pAreNts, auNtIe anD UncLe to Pub...TherE we OrDEred 1 jAr Of BeEr And 2 JaRs Of CokE....We ALl managed To FiNIsH The 2 JaR Of Coke...As For The BEeR... MY Mum DrAnk SOme...And LAtEr SuddenLy She felT Very Hot And DeciDed not To driNk... Then Me and My AUnt....We FinisHEd The WhoLE JAr Of BeEr...My Dad DoEsN"t Drink BeEr and He can"t cUZ hE is DrivIng...My UncLE wanS to DrINk BUT He IS AlsO drIviNg...HAha...LaTer AfTEr THat My AunT Was FeeLing Very Giddy...LucKy i diD NOt...haha...On SuNDAy...I stArted tuitIon at 10.30 And Ended OnlY at 2.30......So BoRed...HaLF A Day Is On TuitiOn...aha... aFTer THat WeNt To RickS hOuse..... We Went mAc and WalKed ARounD HouGanG Mall...At hiS HOuse We PlaYed PlayStaTion...haha...fOr a sHort wHiLE oNly...Then I weNt to WaTch Tv.......HeHE..... Bye