I am Sick!! can u believe It? hahaz.. anyway... yesterday was hari raya..
went out wif mum to buy stuffs for christmas.. and ta da! we had pizza at pizza hut!! it was so delicious.... so long never tasted pizza le..hahaz actually later nt much... jus walked ard ps.... and later went home... cuz i was not feeling really well...
yeah! done this quiz frm cin... i am blue... but it would be better off if i am green.. do u think? hahaz.. watever...

i am back frm camp!! ahahaz it was so super fun! reached school abt 7.10 wif jas then later... after registering we were given a file.. and soon i know which grp i was inside and who i was wif... and guess wat!!! Cem and xin Yin and yean chin same grp as me... and they never go!!!!! kk...but nvm... this grp intergrity rox! the members present were rachel, franson, melissa, luther, crispin, tat heng, calvin, guowei, sian boon, daphanie, liang bao, benjamin, Aun jie, Lydia and of course me! hahaz.. i slept in the same bunk as my class girls, 3 joy gers and 3 hope gers wah!! really enjoyed myself! hahaz. gt to sleep on top of the double decker bed below me was daphanie and sleeping directly beside me was of course rachel... later we had our outdoor games Zip line and rockwall.... zip line was super fun! wished could go the second time! guowei was really scared of coming down and i think he took abt more then 15 mins to jump down! hahaz..and he didn't actually jumped down the instructor pushed him down! hahaz.... next on the line of fran!! hahaz he took abt 10 Mins jus to "warm-up" hahaz... and rockwall was a bit disappointing cuz i didn't managed to reach the top! well nvm! at least i am very close to it! ahahaz... later my grp had dinner duty and we were suppose to serve dinner to others it was really fun! and then after tat we had our shower and of cuz team time preparation followed by reflections they also gave us 4 eggs for each grp and wanted us to protect it till tml and i of cuz was respondsible for one eggy and ta da beddy time!! but i couldn't get to slp...so talked to jess until abt 12 plus? hahaz... then later went to bed... but still couldn't slp cuz almost everyone was chit chatting!
the nxt day woke up at 6! washed up and went for morning p.t and was called out to do flag raising so i went it was really fun! cuz i didn't do it b4!! hahaz... had our breakfast and after tat we cleaned up our bunks getting ready for inspection! and who knows the weather was really bad! we couldn't have our outdoor games and so we were stranded in the hall to prepare for our campfire night! but who knows later the weather was fine again! we were able to do our outdoor activities!! haha... first we had our low elements... the first staion was dunno wat it was called.... it had a log at one end and a platform at the other end and right in the middle was a rope... wat we had to do was to get the rope to us and swing everyone of us over to the platform at the other side... to get the rope luther, liang bao and i took our shoelaces out and tied it to bao bao's shoe then we swing it to grab the rope....ben was the first to try swinging across... actually not all of us managed to swing and reach across!! but i was fun! later the next was the balancing plate thing... we had to get all our grp members on top and balance ourselves the usual we couldn't get everyone up but we had lots of fun... and of cuz i was right trapped in the middle of other ppl... was really hot and and all the guys are so tall! the next station we had 2 walls... the first wall was short so getting everyone over was easy... and of course wif most help from crispin to let us step on his leg to climb over.... the next wall crispin also did the same thing but this time... luther also contributed his hand for us to step to go over the wall... all of gt over the wall and we were so happy!!! hahaz.. our next activity was the CRC i was the first to try the path of the broken planks.. and 2 tyres... woo it was scary but fun and my leg was trembling all the while! next we went to the tweety log hahaz... actually it was jus three logs swinging side by side!i had fun crossing the log!! hahaz...next activity was abseil we had to release the rope slowly to get ourself down sumthing like wat the comandos do! hahaz i was the first one to try it out it was fun and scary at first... and went i gt down everyone was asking me how it felt like!! later nt all of our grp members wan to go up...so i gt the second chance! i went up again... and this time i was really satisfied! hahaz... later we had half and hour to wash up and get ready for dinner! it was our grp's turn for duty again! this time the food was really nice... we had fish, veg and 2 potatoes hahaz..... later i went to my bunk to get sumthing... and lydia, tat heng, franson and i sat outside my bunk to do the props for talentnite! hahaz... our item was advertisment! and i was the narrator! our first ad was the caltex ad followed by the dove shampoo ad which dunno how the person inside turned into sadako! hahaz and next the yum cha ad and newsflash reporting the labrador campsite ppl doing the chiwawa dance!! hahaz... after the whole camp firs end... we had our night hike!! we were split up into 8 grps! and each grp will leave 3 mins after the next grp! we were given clues and were supposed to reach labrador park at the end!! later after reaching labrador park... we went back again! all of us feeling tired later i had a refreshing bath!! and waiting for my hair to dry first b4 i went to slp!! ahahaz... woke up at 6 the next morning washed up and only to find out tat we can wake up at 6.30...."-.-" but nvm.. we had bee hoon for breakfast! and later we brought all our stuff up to the hall and took out all the bedsheets and pillow cases.... we were assigned duties to clean up the places... later... we gt our camp t-shirt!! hahaz... it was nice... and we took grp photos and later the whole camp took photos together!! hahaz! it was really fun and of cuz sad... cuz tat was the last day already!! all of us went home wif fond memories and of cuz very tired!!!

Yoz PPl!! hahaz...went sentosa wif phoe and sam yesterday!!
it was so fun... met at 10.30 and took train to harbour front..
went to sentosa!!! hahaz... our first stop was the Palawan Beach
we crossed over a bridge to the southern most point of the continent asia!!
we sat there... hahaz.. having PICNIC!!!!
later we went into the water... ok..nt really the whole body...
jus until the knee level...hahaz...
we sat on the beach for quite long...
while cement was digging into mr crabby's house...
phoe and i sat there watching her....
later she covered the entrance of mr crabby's house...hahaz.. bad arh cement!!
we didn't bring any radio... and it was kinda quiet ard...
so cem and phoe set their hp radio to loud speaker...
where we enjoyed the perfect 10....
cem also brought cards and we played daidee!! hahaz... funz...
next was the photography session!!! hahaz...
i brought my cam along... and we took some pics together!! hahaz
very FUN!!!!!! after at abt 2 plus...
we decided to leave the beach....
so we went to wash our feets first...hahaz...
cem pushed the wrong tap... and ta da... she was drenched!!! hahaz
went to the toilet next.. hahaz...
after tat sat the monorail to the cable car station!!
which all of us enjoyed tat ride!!! ya know y?
Cuz...... when we sit inside we would definitely see one cute guy in white shirt...
and trust me it is a diff guy all the time....
we alighted there.... and next we went walking ard the images of singapore..
after tat we went to the DragoN traiL!! took lots of pics there!!
hahaz... walked quite far journey.....
later... we reached the underwater world...
went into the viewing gallery...
saw stingray....hahaz... cem took a pic wif it...
and of cuz... we sat on the monorail for dunno how many times...
until phoe and my butt hurts...as for sam.. she seemed to be down wif a flu...
later we went harbour front shopping centre's Mcdonalds
where cem and phoe was quite interested talking abt nice views
hahaz....went walking ard...
and then we went Home!!
while on the bus home...
we met belinda again!! hahaz...
in the morning we saw her in the bus when we are leaving for sentosa...
and now we are back and we saw her walking home!! hahaz
nice timing! later i had a chat wif her under my block...
while phoe went back to get her gb form!
accompanied phoe to Val's house... pass her the form...
chatted for quite long....hahaz...

YuP!!! today i am a very good girl..hahaz... sorry but need to self compliment
myself sumtimes...hahaz =P
okay here's wat happened today..... woke up at 7 plus...
and went wif my parents to the temple to pray... later went market wif my mum to buy some stuffs... and went for morning breakfast....
later my mum went to work wif my dad...
while my bro and i went back home...hahaz...
on the way back.. we bought twisties...hahaz =P
when i reached home... my bro suddenly told me abt his hair...
so we decided to do sumthing to it...
i helped him wax his hair and put some gell....
basically... i was jus trying to gell up his hair... but it couldn't be done...
so we did sumthing even more....
i becum his stylist...cut his hair for him.... hahaz.....
an inexperience stylist i am..... well u guys may wanna know how he looked like...


hahaz... u guys may find no difference at all except tat it is gelled up...
hahaz.... really had fun...
anyway now i am back in oz...
and guess wat?
i met a pri sch fren... i lost contact wif her for abt 3 yrs? and i actually met her inside there...hahaz... such a coincidence....which of course was good!! hahaz...

wOOo!! Finally back frm camp! The camp was so fun!!
OkaY! although fun but quite alot of lecture!! but quite meaningful also!
k! Let's Start frm The first day!
before this camp begin.. i had actually met some of my teammates!
so during the ice breaker game we can actually interact better!
after that we had lecture ( Qualities of Leaders) followed by preparation for campfire
later at abt 12.30 we went to sentosa for our amazing race!
hahaz... of course our team was followed by wanting...
how this game was played was tat...
our starting and ending point of the game was at the ferry terminal.
there are altogether 8 teams... 4 teams will take buses ard sentosa and
the other 4 will ride on monorail.. the teams tat are taking monorail cannot take bus
ard and vice versa....k... we have 9 checkpoints to go to...
first the ECM will give us the first envelope to checkpoint 1
inside there will be some sort of clue... to guess the place where we are suppose to go..
the order of the place my team had gone are:
1) Siloso Beach
2) Fort Siloso
3) Underwater World
4) Dragon trail
5) Sijori wondergolf
6) Images Of Singapore
7) Merlion
8) Dolphin Lagoon
9) Southernmost point of Continental asia
later then we headed back to the ending point!
we took a monorail to the starting point... but halfway at the station the woman kept on talking and the monorail did not moved at all!! we had to alight frm the monorail and ran to the ferry terminal....we were the second to reach there but we had altogether 9700 points....and so we gt first becuz the first grp had bought clues so some points are deducted...later sat at burger king wif my teammates talking!! lots of stuff!! haha...
later went back to sch then back to our home sweet home!
Here Are sum photos!

Herm!!! Samuel dun u know ni shi dian teng pao?? hahaz

YeaH! all Of us In tHe SchOol Library!!

WoW! Nice Hps!!

hahaz... jess since when is the Hippos nest on ur Head?
the second day we had quite alot of talks (Communication Skill, Group Dynamics, Team Building) we also had 2 hrs of preparation for campfire... my grp decided to do a skit where it started out in the classroom then 2 students (Cheng Xi and Seng keong) were comparing their stuff while 2 students were looking at them (Charlene & Jean Anne)
next the principal (Peng Fei) came in to spot check the class and later after the principal left.... they started comparing again! and followed by a fight... later it turned into a so called tomato commercial!! ermz i think u guys will be thinking it was quite lame!!
but fun...during the campfire night... minyi and i were the Mcs hahaz... it was really fun...
hahaz... my first time!!! to ba an Mc.... eh actually it was a new experience for me... but after a while i felt more confident to speak up! which of course was good!
after the campfire night! we had our night treasure hunt! hahazz.. my grp gt second...
after tat had bowl noodle for supper! and bathed later... ermz slept at abt 2plus cuming to 3.... the temperature was ok at first... then later through the night... it was getting colder... my feet almost froze..hahaz...
woke up at 6.30 the next day... washed up.. went for breakfast and then saw jas they all... wished them good luck.... later went for 2 more lectures later...
it was really tiring for me..... slept very late at night ad had to wake up in the early morning... later helped cleaned up the places... followed by a debrief by mr lim and yeaH!! we can go HoMe! hahaz

yeaPz... how time flies! today is sat already!
went to mac for breakfast and bought the cute alpha bears
hahaz... later went to sch wif my bro by mrt
saw franson at the station... then go sch together
hahaz.. later at novena square bus stop
saw my P and S hahaz...
took the same bus to sch too!
later went up to class wooo!! feeling quite stress!
gt back my results... and it really ? suckz!!!
yupz.... and worse... mrs wong is leaving us...
she wun be our form teacher anymore!!!!!
stupid moe! y transfer her out of our sch????
argh!!! later.... went home.. and had lunch wif mum
my cousins came to my house....
later went for tuition... ahahaz pufflefish came late to class again!!
hahaz.... in fact i think more than half an hour late!!
ohya! she went KL last week... she had bought some gilfts for us!
hahaz... dunno wat she buy? (curious) ?@.@?
hahaz....later went for badminton!
woo today was so tiring!!
play more than 3 sets of game! now mi feet gt blisters liao!
so painful.. but fun! hahaz...
then had dinner at abt 9? yupx...
went geylang for ban mian! hahaz... super tasty!
especially the chillliz... hahaz.. can't live without tat!
ermz yupz... definitely...
came home abt 10 plus?
bathe and then fished in oz...
and of course blogging now... hahaz...

today woke up at erm 9 plus?
then slp again until 10 plus
washed up... went for psl meeting at mac
met not all the members....
but the meeting was still soso...
nothing much... me talked lots of crap stuff
cuz no one really wanna talk
to keep the atmosphere up i kept on talking! hahaz... feels weird
like talking to myself....
anyway after tat went to eat my fav tom yam wif jean anne
take away for my bro then bought old chang kee's yam pie for my grandma
came home early... then did some homework..
play... bathe... eat... play... eat.... watch tv...
go irc.... talk until now blogging...

yup yup! at least today gt sumthing to do!
eh kevin called me last night to tell me today gt some filming...
so came to school wif rachel...
met her at 10.30 ate our breakfast cum lunch? at food junction
later walked ard novena square
took bus 21 to school!
went up the 4th floor into the com lab
spend our time there enjoying air con
and enjoying the photos tat jean anne took on her cam
and the photos tat roslyn developed...
arh seeing all tat...i really missed the mr ong's bbq
how i wished it would last longer......
well nvm... anyway... had our filming in 3 truth classroom
woo... didn't know tat filming takes up a very long time...
and somemore we had to keep very quiet ...
cuz there is O levels' going on!
finished filming at abt 5 reached home abt 5.30 or later!
and the usual...

wah! today woke up at 10 plus....
actually is 8 plus... forced myself to slp more!
today is tues... so boring...
no need to go school or wat jus spent my time at home lazing ard...
well had spagetti for lunch.... and watched some show...
basically.. my time spent at home is jus this much!
slping and eating... eating and slping!
yesterday was still okay...
went to school wif olivia and jun jie...
to help mrs lee wif some survey thing....
imagine we had to count and tally everything
which was quite impossible to complete within one day!
but we managed... hahaz... thx to mr adrian teo's programme...
survey calculator which helped us lotx....
mrs lee also bought us lunch... thx mrs lee for ur wonderful mee pok...
hahaz... later after finishing the survey... junjie and olivia had some psl meeting..
waited for them or could i say joined them?
went back to j8 after their meeting....
saw franson while walking...then olivia called him Frankie!!
hahaz... she didn't know tat his mum was there wif him!
hahaz... laughed my heads off!
heryi had his carona chicken rice lunch at food junction...
later... jj even had a hamburger frm mac!
went home after tat...
reached home ermz abt...... 5?
yup!! quite late...
but fun! hahaz... gt to know melodie frm 2 peace
& Gregory frm 2 truth!
the day spend was better off than Today!!!!

Wah!!! today is sunday! it is so boring!
woke up at 9...so early...
wanted to continue slping... but in the end saw my study tabl so messy
went to wash up then packed up my table..
went to room later to disturb my parents....hehez =P
woke them all up and went for breakfast and marketing!
bought lots of stuff esp VeGetables! hahaz... my fav long beans and french beans!
later stayed at home the whole day
surfing the net....
was online frm abt 12 plus to now which is 10 plus at night....
watched lots of boring shows....
later decided to watch harry potter the chamber of secrets...
then doze of in the middle of the show!
woke up at 5 plus...
then go bathe... have dinner... then watch show again!
now of course blogging again!

<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )
brought to you by Quizilla

A GIRLY-GIRL. You dont have a lot of self-esteem
and people are always bringing you down for
being sad. What do they know, anyway? You feel
like youre too mature for your age and are
frustrated by the trend-followers who refuse to
accept you because youre not like them.
Your virtues: Intelligence, understanding nature,
Your flaws: Lack of social life, inferiority
complex, timidity.
What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

hahaz... thx for wanyi... she reminded me...
today... we also went to the j8 open plaza...
there were some wheelchair activities going on....
first... we signed up for that... it is also free of charge...
all we had to do was roll the wheelchair through some obtacles
if we complete it they will donate 2 dollars...
it was so fun sitting on a wheelchair...
hahaz... had so uch fun controlling it...
actually.... they organize this
is for the ppl like us who are not handicap....
to feel how it is like to ba a handicap...
and wan us to understand how diff it was for this ppl to do certain things...
so if we see anyone in need of help...
make things easier for them by helping them....
then tat stupid franson had to say
" hey do u know that u look like a real handicap?"
argh..... gonna kill him.....
they were up in the cinema area looking down at us and laughing...
idiots laughing? yes!!! hahaz...
they are idiots (jus kidding) to have missed such a wonderful thing to experienced...
anyway... wanyi and cin especially wanyi...
gt so attracted by a cute guy helping out there...
hahaz...=P... nt bad arh!.... read her blog and u will know more

what DISNEY princess are you
brought to you by Quizilla

...The trait you need most in a guy is Wit...
What Trait Do You Need Most In A Guy?
brought to you by Quizilla

Feel so tired now... but i really enjoyed myself today!
Here's wat happened today
Woke up at 6.15 in the morning..
so happily preparing myself for the inter-uniform games day
reached school only to find out that the games is postpone to 12 nov
the last day of PSL camp....
so sick.... i want to play for the unit....
after tat all of us went home... no normal parade...
took train frm farrer park and reached home abt 10 plus
rest a while... watched the iron chef show
at 11 plus went to bathe and meet up wif wanyi, cinthia, franson, jun jie and heryi
went for lunch at tomyam wif cin and Wanyi...
while the guys had theirs at food junction....
while eating we talked lots of crappy stuff....
more on Bio ( the human Body)
which really attracted some male listeners behind us...lolz...
when walking ard j8 and shoping for a gift for mr ong....
nxt we went ps to walk walk also...
where jun jie bought a gift for his mum's birthday
and we bought the gift for mr ong...
went back to j8 and went under a void deck to sign the card we bought for him...
went back to interchange to meet up wif them
hahaz...i am so happy to see all of them....
if seems like yrs i didn't see them....
although i saw them yesterday...hahaz....
took bus 410 white one to mr ong's house....
then i enjoyed the games that are prepared for us....
we had to sing and somehow "dance" hahaz....
it was so fun.... there was also forfeit....
later we had our dinner
the usual ppl (wanyi, kevin, franson, jean anne, heryi , Jun jie and of course me!)
hahaz... we sat down and decided wat to do for the skit...
the title was ' Who am i '
the characters are [ Heryi - da Wan, Franson- da xiong, Jun jie and wanyi- car driver who knocked down da wan, darren- nuo mee, cinthia- a doctor and jessica- a nurse and last but not least kevin, Jean anne and me we are the passer by!]
da wan and nuo mee were having dinner at a restaurant...[sound- i am dreaming of u sang by our very own choir members wif nuo mee singing to da wan]
the next scene, the driver was talking to someone... then bang da wan who saved nuo mee frm the car accident. passer bys when to kpo...
nxt scene... the hospital... da wan lying there unconscious.... later da xiong keep on disturbing her... which made her quite angry... she woke up and jus can't remember who she was.... later... nuo mee entered the room sang the song whom he sang to her during dinner..... she finally remember who she was...
the endz... quite lame rit? well among us the best actor was Franson...
wooooo!! he won the best actor award! hahaz
and guess wat? our grp also came in first
we had a box of ferrero rocher..
hahaz was so happy then....
later went home wif jun jie while wanyi and heryi went together....
i really enjoyed the day today! hahaz!=P
thx everyone there who made this day so successful!