Friday, December 31, 2004? Friday, December 31, 2004
wuahahaz! in few More Hours! i Am going off to chaleT!!! HErmz..BefOre TAt.. wish eVerY One A haPPy New yeaR!
? Friday, December 31, 2004
Went out with Olivia todaY! Met her at ard 11!! hahaz...then we headed off to Plaza Singapura To catch a Movie! Blade TriniTy! Eh she gt 2 free complimentery pass! so the movie is free! wuahahahaz! Then we bough PopcOrn Combo The Kung Fu One..Then they Kinda gave Us a damN big LolliPop! with like after eating can get diabetes de! hahaz!! Eh the show was like damn Nice! Except kInda alot of the F word inside..But the way the PeRsoN said it sounds so FunnY! hahaz The show ended ard 1 plus.. so after tat we headed down for lUnchEon at the food Court.. talked loTs of CraPs too... Dunno drifted off to O's again..ahahahaz... Then later went JigSaw worLd To look at JigSaw... HErmz..Then headed down to TIMES...Window shopping in PS...after that We went MarIna shopPiNG! hahaz... walked into THis FasHIoN!!!! wuahahahaz.. The shirts and dresses are like kinda cheap and nice!!! wuahahahaz!! gonna work hard to Buy those dresses and skiRts! Then let me tell NEw Year ResolUtion Is to see OliVia wear sKirt! wuahahaz...Then later went to Suntec walk agaiN!!!!! wuahahahaz..actually kinda sick of tat place..cuz i have to go there like almost everyday! K..Nvm.. Went to look at restaurants!! and smell the nice aroma from the food! Later i see olivia off at the bridge..then went back to work! Worked till about 10.30.. Then after the supper, Went hOme in Mrt.. Yupz.. mEt KeV aNd HIs Fren when i boarded the 410 green Bus! Then i reached home ard 11 pluS today! Hey! Not 12 buT eleveN pLus!! hahaz
Wednesday, December 29, 2004? Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Yea! FInally finished the camp training!!! it was Very fun toDaY! Learnt to Belay! and eh..i kinda like gt stuck up in the mid air...They Dun wanna let me down!!!! and Ros, Nigel, Edwin and JosepH KInda swing me in the mid air and turned me round in circles! hahaz! i wanna laugh at JOjO! he gt me up in mId air and kinda like gt damn tired pushing me uP!! wuahahahaz! being heavy is not bad! hahaz... Then later learnt alot of nEw songs! Very cUte and Fun soNgS! wuahahahaz! YEa! looking Forward to CamP! YEA!!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2004? Tuesday, December 28, 2004
HiyO! PeEpS! Went to school today for the sec 3 camp training! Was really tired when i woke up in the morning.. especially when i slept late in the night ard 1 plus. Then i gt to woke up ard 7.15aM! damn early.. not used to it! Went to school together wif Ys. Then later in school, we started our training... well it was apparently not what i had expected it to be like very fun and so on.. i am not saying it is not fun but just not as fun as i expected it to be... Actually spent most time there like telling us values..and doing some ice breaking games...Which the others and i thought was unnecessary as we have known each other well enough since we all graduated together.. But still i enjoyed the games and stuffs! it has been a long time since i went back to the school...wuahahaz...i volunteered to be the first peep to play the minesweeper was kinda hard when i was blindfolded and i had to listen to so many different voices telling me where to go at once... but still it was fun.. then later..the whole grp of us have to like stand on 2 benches then squeeze.. well we all still sort of like the girl and girl policy and vice versa for the guys..hahaz..the girls were fine..since we were all kinda small in size...but i really pitied the guys..hahaz.. they kept falling... then later.. we went on to mix ard.. at least we all could stand on for a moment or so.. nt bad though...and we just got the pack list for the camp! wuahahahaz!!!! there is gonna be water activities!!! wuahahahaz!
Monday, December 27, 2004? Monday, December 27, 2004
yesterday i had a great time! hahaz..i worked split shift again..started 12 and ended at 4 then later 6 to 10 again..
yupz..met sean early and go work together..hahaz..finally now i dun have to go work alone..yeA! i gt frenz to accompany me!!!!! wuahahahaz...then later since both of us are working split shifts we decided after the first shift.. we will have our dinner outside at the marina loft..a brand new opened food court! hahaz...very nice leh!!!! can see esplanade! then the merlion and lots of beautiful scenery! Later went back to Suntec..wanted to buy Snapple! hahaz..
Sean thought it was some chocolates and went searching ard! dumB! lolz...Later at suntec.. Saw Lydia! ahahaz..dumb Ys they all make my lyly wait so long! Of course i scolded them! hahaz...See!
i so protective of my lyly!!!! LyLy is MINE!!!!
wuahahahahaz..later after work! had some supper there..then i left and mt lY, Ys and jeremy! We went home together!
Hiyo! supposed to go swimming today with Ly, Ys and JeremY! but didn't go in the end! ahahaz..Dun worry Lb! i am at HOme!!! we can talK!!! wuahahaz
Sunday, December 26, 2004? Sunday, December 26, 2004
Finally Christmas is over. Had a wonderful and enjoyable time though. Spent the late afternoon around 4 plus deep frying some nuggets for the christmas party. Then bathe, took a cab down with my bro to the party. Actually was kinda bored there at first, cuz everyone are like around 30 plus and older. Even if there are children, they are only like 7,8 or 9. The age gap is so much different, got nothing to do except play. Finally later, Shi Xian and Samantha came. Then we kinda began our small girl talk. Actually spent most of the party time talking to them. Heard from Samantha some of her latest stuffs about her bf. Then we sort of have to talk quietly among ourselves in case her parents hear it and then hermz, she may get some lashings from them. Well, the party was also not bad, played one game called the zhong ji mi ma. Actually the usual was supposed to be from 1-99 but in the case where there were so many people, they extended from 1 -500. And u can't believe my rotten luck, before me was samantha, she doesn't know what number to choose from. So i jus sort of gave her a number between the range. This taught me a lesson never to help another? Becuz i gt myself into trouble! had to answer some dunno chimalogy questions which of course i can't. So had to do this forfeit, i had to dancE!!!! not just any simple dance, but the opera dance! Well, danced with the girl who had the same rotten luck as i had. Spent most of the time embarassing myself and of course entertaining the elderly with my clumsy dance movement. Later gt a human Jackpot thing. Followed by the lucky draw, Then i was the first to be picked. Got a beautiful towel which is not bad prezzie. Then later, My dad got a burner and my bro gt a key chain and chocolates. Wuahahaz. loved my dad's prezzie alot! WelL my dad gave it to me! since he doesn't need it anyway. Oh yea, in the early morning i received some prezzie from my aunties! gt a candle wax with Nice smell! and never mind about that! the candle wax is GreeN!!! Then i gt another handphone chain with Maltesers! hahaz! i liked my PrezzIE!
Saturday, December 25, 2004? Saturday, December 25, 2004
bad day!!!! And boring too!!!!!!! had to work!
okay..nvm..working is okay since i can earn $
but hey nobody says i have to work with a _itch!
a B or W..jus fill in the blank wateva deem fits her.
for ur info..and old stupid auntie
is tat _itch...
sad sia...have to take care of 3 tables with her..
then i helped to do alot of things..
she jus say i never do..
helped them refill water le..
she say i never..dumb woman!
the ppl say they dun wan water le so i never fill..
then she toot la..
hahaz...okay kinda in a foul mood today..
she kept complaining to other ppl abt me..
waaa..nice PersOn she is ar...
nevermind..forget it..
dun wan to care her gt better things to do..
hahaz!! wanna wish everyone a merry ChristmaS!!!!
thank you YS for being so concern abt me!!!
waaaaa..touched leH!!!
YS gave me a call to wiah me Merry christmas!!
and also nice of him to check whether i reached home alreadY!!
wuahahahaz!!! thank yoU! my great "sister"
Friday, December 24, 2004? Friday, December 24, 2004
oh manz..
jus did a xin li ce yan stuff..
then later i found that i am like Jay chou!!!!!!
I am his type...wa....sianz!!!!!
hahaz..yes..i know YS and Sperm are gonna kill me when they read this..
but still i wanna say!
i dun like jaY! hahaz is personal likings..
so can't blame anyone!
? Friday, December 24, 2004
i am finally back from a tiring day!!! well today went to work ard 11 plus. I am supposed to finish my shift ard 3.30pm. Then later actually gt appointment with "mummY", Katherine, Melanie and cement! then ended work too early..spent my time walking endlessly from suntec tower 5 to other towers. Then i met Tina(my colleague!! an auntie) shopping for christmas prezzy. So i went shopping with her! okay later..returned back to my work place later..bought all the prezzy back with her.. left there to meet katherine to buy some prezzy for "mummY" then later we finally decided on a mummy cup for her..actually..we wanted to wrap it..but the stupid wrapping paper one piece actually cost about $2.10. Damn Expensive.. well cem gt an idea..she wanted to take newspaper and wrap it. But we can't find any. Then she like went to the H2O shop and gt their booklet..we spent the rest of our time trying to wrap it. Well it is hard with scotch tape, so hahaz.. we wrapped the prezzy at the nice pavilion stand outside the tower 5. hermz..we substituted the scotch tape with grass! ahahaz.. tied two of the grass together and wrapped the prezzy! hey! we helped to save scotch tape! wuahahaz... later went to Kenny Rogers for dinner! we place the prezzy on the floor..let her kick it and we made fun of her...we pretended that we dunno where this prezzy come from..then we were like saying it maybe was a bomb...then we almost made her call the police! hahaz.. She was damn happy when she found out it was from us! wuahahaz..after my dinner..went back to work! work till 11! wuahahaz.. wanna thank Kelvin for helping me wipe the cadies! The bill folder!! wuahahaz...had a great feast after work! later went home together with David, Han Li hermz..did i spell correctly? eh Alvin and Kelvin.. yupz...reached home ard 12 plus.. saw some of my schools seniors.. tml i still have to work!! but at Ju Jiang Lou!!! wuahahahaz!!!!!! With Gw only!!! sad sia! no one pei me hoMe!!!!!!! Ys not working tml! LY and jeremy toO!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004? Tuesday, December 21, 2004
hiyo! hahaz..very long never blog le..
so far been busy working!! hahaz.
yupz..working is fun.know alot of new frenz! hahaz
hermz..i didn't know i worked at the pearl river 3 times le
then i gt paid like a total of $82.50..wuahahaz!!
gt alot of $$ now! but spent some on christmas gift so..
abit of broke la..but still okay! hahaz
yeah!!!! i earned my very own money le!!!
okay.. so far at TR..
no one is younger than me..i am the youngest around...
hahaz..everyone treats me so nice
Wednesday, December 15, 2004? Wednesday, December 15, 2004
today is such a tiring day!!!
worked from 12.30 to 3.30
though it is only 3 hrs.. but hey..
luch lots of peeps..
but i learnt alot today!
hahaz...i learnt how to make salad and learnt more stuff
then when i used to be at home slacking..
learnt to make house, toss, chicken caesar, caesar,side caesar,santa fe salads!
later after work
went to davis music store and bought a guitar book
supposed to go to Lb's hse after tat
but i am jus so tired and getting all the leg cramps and stuff
so didn't go in the end..
went toa payoh to return the NKF card
hahaz..heck care already..
jus gt 15 bucks inside and i returned it to them..
told them i dun wan the card le they still give..
stupid..ohyea...i tot i saw mrs Gan today at novena station...
but dunno whether is tat her anot
but anyway..i reached home ard 5 plus
and then i just realised tat i didn't eat anything at all..
not even breakfast or lunch.. bread or sumthing..
nice fasting today..then of cuz..i went to cook some noodles
then still cont to eat my dinner later..
i am so like some hungry ghost
hahaz..waa..Ys now on cruise le!!!!
waaaa not fair...Arrrrrr
actually i think tat time Olivia, JJ and jeremy interested to go de..
then i cannot go becuz need alot of $$
then i dun go of cuz olivia didn't go..
then when jj and jeremy realised that if they go they will be bored
becuz so little peeps..
but anyway
i still have a chalet going on at changi
wuahahahaz.. bungalow chalet!!!!!
31 dec to 3 jan!!!! 4 days 3 nights!!
everyone will be back in sch le..
except me! so i will be accompanying my aunt, grandma and 2 young cousins there!!!
hahaz..heard it is haunted..
cuz my aunt once saw an ash container there along the beach..
but still i am still looking forward to it!
Monday, December 13, 2004? Monday, December 13, 2004
HeyO!! i am back From WORK!!! hahaz!!
today is my first day of work at another place!!TR!!
well truly b4 i even went to work.
i was like sianz... becuz i am going there alone!!!
but hey! things are better than i thought!!
hahaz..learnt alot of new stuff again! made new frens!!
hahaz..there ar gt one guy damn handsome!! wuahahaz
he like gt the most memerising smile i have ever see from a guy!!
and he looked abit like last time gt one singtel commercial
on the girl choosing between the mr classic of the i pod one!
well he is the MR ClaSSIc!! hahaz
OKaY! my work today was not bad
didn't get any leg pain or stuffs
everything went smoothly!
one of the staff there even stayed in bishaN!! hahaz!!
well bishan st 22! well maybe next time can have company to go home together!
hahaz!! ohyea!! yesterday was the first day i got paid!!
my first working day!!
12th december is my first working daY!!!
gonna make it an anniversary!!
? Monday, December 13, 2004
hahaz! now is 1.06am in the morning agaIN!!! leg is so damn tired after wearing my mum's stupid heels
which like gave me 4 beautiful blisters! first day of working todaY!
it was so fuN!
went to work with Ys, Jeremy, LyLy and GW!
hahaz..Ly and i worked in the restaurant while the guys worked at the other side
in the convention hall under the same restaurant.
the peeps there are so friendly!
nice ppl.. learnt alot of new stuff there like how to serve drinks and carry
plates in a nice way.. coOL!
hahaz..dunno how and when i got caught in the middle of a silence internal conflicT!
between Aunties..
well one auntie asked for my no.
she said if gt any job she will call me down
then my mentor who is the other auntie, told me if she ever call me down dun go down
cuz the auntie treats ppl badly..
a gossip queen! hahaZ...
dunno la.. some internal conflict...
had a really fun time working wif them still
gt some guys apparently worked there b4
well they are a bunch of easy goin and friendly peeps...
speaking of that
when the thing ended..
all of us were busy keeping up and cleaning up.
i was with ly helping to keep the utensils after the dish washer washed them
hahaz..both of us were quite warm..
then there was these guys beside us
he asked whether did we wear any clothes inside..
and of cuz we said yes..
then they next thing he said was
tuo diao ni de yi fu la! ( take off ur clothes la)
apparently his friends only heard him say tat
then they made a joke out of it..
asking us to stripe! cute..
later we took bus 56 back..
gw went back in another bus
then ys and jeremy sat at the back sits
then in front of them was Ly
and i sat infront of Ly
there was this indian guy sitting the sit beside and opposite me
kept on staring in my direction since he board the bus
didn't cared much..jus ignored him
then the guys started to realise that the men kept on staring
so Ys came and sat beside me!!!!
hahaz..jeremy sat beside Ly..
actually YS can stop at a earlier bus-stop and walk home..
but it was so nice of him to accompany me back to the bus-stop i am going to alight at
lucky he did that..
becuz after Ly and jeremy stopped at the stop jus outside RI
only 3 ppl and the driver were left.. i appreciate going out with guys!! hahaz..
got protection leH!! hahaz
the usual..reached home ard 12 plus..
Sunday, December 12, 2004? Sunday, December 12, 2004
HiyO! i am bacK!! hahaz!! today is paC'S birthday!!! or shld i say yesterday!? wateva..
yupz..he finally stepped into the age of sixteen..hey sweet sixteen!!
while a few more weeks later
JJ is gonna step into the age of seventeen!! hahaz
okay! todae we went marina south again
there were SpermY!, Oli,Ly,YS,Jeremy,Gw,JJ,me and of course birthday boy PaC!
we played bowling first
then spent our time later in the arcade
oh manz.i am so gonna boast about how lucky and tyco i am today!
there was this mach in the arcade
where u put in money
and use the dunno wat u call the claw to get the cute little sof toys inside
i set my eyes on the raindeer
but hesitating whether to play or not but i played in the end
i wanted to get the most extreme right raindeer
then i pressed all the way to the end
and i found out later..i can't get any further..
i am right in the middle of 2 raindeers
thinking that i am not gonna get anything..
i jus pressed the thing down
and i am so damn lucky.
it caught right in the middle of the body of the 2 raindeers
then grab it up! hahaz!!! not a bad thing 1 buck for 2 raindeers
and somemore it is from precious moments!!
hahaz!!! i gave one of the deer to olivia!
she was with me tat time when i caught it
hahaz...when i gt it.
we were both jumping up and down like mad women!
later we went to the other arcade at the other side
we played even more games better than the first one
we played the music mach , world combat, time crisis 2, point blank, datona!
and many more!
went for our dinner at the chong pang BBQ and steamboat
well, met my parents and my cousins, aunties and uncle there
apparently they also chose to go there for dinner..
still rmb my mum telling me maybe they will have dinner there tonight too.
my mum treated us to a jar of tiger beer
then it wasn't enough for the guys so they ordered more drinks later
we sat there from 6 plus to 9 plus.
hahaz..birthday boy ate alot of food! had a fun time eating and crapping together!
Jj met us at about 8 plus
see us eat and crapped too
after that played pool
Ys, Ly and jeremy went back first at abt 10 .30
then the rest played till abt 11
becuz we were worried we wld not catch the train any later
walked home later with pac, jj and oli
crapped alot of stuff..hahaz.
my dad waited for me at the traffic lights
and then we went home together
hermz..reached home about 12 plus
had a really fun and enjoyable day!!
oh manz. the time now is 1.06am! in about a few more hours i have to start working!
my 2nd job is on mOn! sianz..still haven memorise the stuff needed..
okay..time to slp! nItez!
Thursday, December 09, 2004? Thursday, December 09, 2004
Bad day for me again
had tis nightmare of a big Fish eating all the prawns in the container in the supermarket
well, suddenly
the big fish became a big cunning tortoise
and it started to feed on the small tortoise
it sort of waited for the heads of the smaller tortoise to come out
and when it did
it gave a ferocious bite onto the head
the head seperates from the body
blood came out
and i can't believe that ppl are still enjoying looking at that
I went out the whole day yesterday
now my wholebody is aching
especially my legs!
and my back is tired
i can't believe wat the mag said about my horoscope
it really happened
believe it or not
it really happened, all the things said really happened.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004? Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Today was the last outing we had for Kuo hsiunG!
we went for lunch together at S11
ppl who went are YS, Ly,Jeremy,Ros,Yeo lae, Gw, Kh, William and Me!
hahaz went to play bowling again!
oh manz. william is so pro in curl balL!! hahaz
his curl balls are nice!
but most of it also end in the gutter la
played until 3 plus..
then later have to leave first for the job orientation at 4 at suntec
with 3 other ppl whom i dunno
then we were introduced the history of Tony Roma
then the rules and regulations all that
later they gave us some food and drinks
met jj and wanting they all at the citylink
then reached home about 7.30pm
hahaz..yupz.. then jus played GB with Jeremy, Lb and LY!
? Wednesday, December 08, 2004
I had this Nightmare!! It was so scary! almost made me cried becuz i was scared.
i dreamt of the vampire court Dracula!
But it wasn't him that was scary!
i dreamt that he gave some chemical food and gave it to my tortoise
then they became vampires!
i was in the kitchen
they all attacked me
i put all of them in a pot of boiling water
i see the original faces of this cute little tortoises
when i took them out
they are already dead...
i jus killed my own darlings..
Monday, December 06, 2004? Monday, December 06, 2004
WoKE up very early todaY! about 9.45am! hey my earliest record since the day at the chalet! not a bad achievement Okay! hahaz.. okay! Ys, Jl and ly were at my house again today! u would know guitar lesson as usual! hahaz.. nt a bad achievement today.. play some songs together with ly and Ys and JL made great achievements! hahaz.. went to sch later as requested by Kh who insist ly must go so as to pass some things to her. went S11 for lunch! on the way there we met JJ with wanting, jessie and edwin in MAc. Then later we shopped around for guitar hahaz.. it was fun! hahaz...came back later we watched wishing stairs brought by Ly! Oh Man! Kev send me this track about learning to speak Jap Is so FuN! hahaz! COoL!!!! hahaz! ThaNKs KeV!
Sunday, December 05, 2004? Sunday, December 05, 2004

My FriEndS!
? Sunday, December 05, 2004

My FriEndS!
Saturday, December 04, 2004? Saturday, December 04, 2004
Hey i had a very fruitful and enjoyable day today! It all started when i woke up at 11.45am in the morning! hahaz.. waited for LyLy to come to my house and meet my mum and i for lunch! then we went to fresh harvest to shop for groceries.. then Ys and JeREmY met us there..well the helped us carry some stuffs up! well u would wanna know what are they doing here? well We sort of have a guitar lesson today! well dunno when the guitar frenzy started...i guessed it was during the chalet! Olivia joined us later and here we had lots of fun learning and coaching each other on the guitar. then later we started watching the exorcist..actually i wanted to see the expressions on their faces..on how scared they will be.. but actually they already know on some parts wat is going to happen in the it's not that fun..but at least i saw Ys once hiding behind JerEmY while watching the show.. and then how Ys would conclude that actually oLivia and Me.. we are SadIst... well sort of see the girl possessed by the hurting herself..and we could still laugh... hahaz... yupz...sadist indeed...well anyway..after the show the guys decided to do the same IQ test i did the night before..My IQ was about 114 pretty average score...but one or two more scores to above average..hahaz.. they finished the quiz and was jus about to unveal the scores when my internet started to gave up halfway! hahaz.. nice.. currently still waiting for their scores.. Later i went for dinner with Olivia at S11.. well we crapped alot while eating.. and of cuz we took our time in eating.. cuz no guys are there to make us eat fast! hahaz.. walked around J8 later.. then we bought Mcflurry and walked home as we eat. We stopped at the Bus-stop outside school and started to talk about school again! Well i started by asking how did we even gt this close together.. hahaz...neither of us can really remember.. well then i remembered that Kevin anD Felicia had been my classmates before ever since we are in primary 1. hahaz.. still remembered that kevin and i were still strangers then.. but it all changed when we are in sec 3... Kevin and franson sat behind me in class and of cuz i remember the first really fun and enjoyable talk was that when kevin and i were in the same class in primary sch we never become such good friends..until now.. hahaz.. yupz.. crapped alot with the both of them in sec 3... well we still crap now.. but getting crappier than before! hahaz.. well speaking about primary school, i still remember one of my primary 4 partner HaN LiN. Well he is a guY.. and i remembered that i always pinch him and he will not retaliate at all.. hahaz.. great partner where we would share alot of stuffs... and talk alot together! well a great blossom fren indeed...unfortunately.. he transferred to another school in primary 5..he told me at the last day of school in primary 4 that he will transfer school due to the moving of primary 5 no one knew he transferred except me..until when the teacher announced.. later i heard form some frens that he was kind of fond of me.. well i really dunno.. hahaz..but i really wanna know how he look like now..and how is would be a great time to meet one another again! hahaz, this also reminded me of one time when i was in K2 where there was this guy older than me was fond of me..but too bad..he went to primary 1 and then he had this msg conveyed to me by one of my closest guy friend back then..but i can't remember the name. Then again.. i also wanted to know how i gt close to Ys, Jeremy and ganG well the incredibleS! jus seemed like this sort of thing just creep up on us without us even knowing at all..when we start questioning ourselves.. we can't find the answers at all..oh man.. also talked about Olivia's neighbour! hahaz.. a handsome Guy as said by olivia! oh manz.. if Olivia say that guy is handsome means he's really handsoME! hahaz.. BecuZ She seldom says guys are handsome! hahaz..well her mother sort of know she's crazy about him! her mum told his MUm and they were like so to the idea that they go together! hahaz.. but too bad! he has a girlfriend! hahaz..Hey Olivia! dun worry! u still have good impression in front of his parents better than the girl! hahaz! then we drifted our topic to IRC! hahaz..still remembered the first time i was introduced to it was by JolyN! hahaz..i think that was when my knowledge on computer expanded! then last time i played this game OZ where i met My dear Old gOngGoNg where he was trying to get me to become his friend's girlfriend! hahaz..well not in reality but jus only in the game..then later..near to my birthday, he bought me a cute monkey head whom he said looked exactly like me! hahaz..well on that day..still remembered i went home alone in the train going to toa payoh.. in the very same cabin... i saw a guy in white uniform..well he sort of like kept on staring and looking in my direction.. well didn't paid much attention later..when i met my DeaR Old GoNGgOng..hahaz.. with him was that guy whom i met in the train. He was actually my stead in the Game! hahaz..we were both like OMG! and started laughing at one another! well one funny part that i remembered was that since neither of us seen one another before.. so we had to use our mobile to keep in contact... then we were like walking around searching for each other..well actually we saw one another.. but the stupid thing was that we kept asking questions to one another through the phone like hey are u wearing white uniform? u carrying this colour of baG and blah blah till we confirmed that this was the person we are supposed to meet..hahaz! DuMb!! hahaz...i admit.. but it was FUn! Till NOw..we still keep in contact.. but social circle expanded more! i knew some more of his other friends of which one of them is like so HAndSOMe! hahaz..but i am nt interested! well i remembered i made alot IRC frens too.. but i didn't meet them..cuz i like our identities to be unknown..well it is best becuz we get to share secrets without even knowing who u are.. and so the secret is supersafE! hahaz..but been a long time since i chat on IRC..only in IRc when i am downloading songs..hahaz..tonight's outing with olivia made me think of alot of things that happened before! though i never kept in contact with many of my Frenz in primary school i still had fond memories of theM! and i know it will never disappear and be erased inside of me..i can still remember the childishness of us when we quarreled with frenz and we can simply jus say i dun wan to friend u anymore.. cute...but childish i should say..there are many bad and good things that happened in my primary and secondary school life.. but this things have taught me alot which made me grow up to be more matured and to make better decisions myself..hahaz...i guess this is one of the longest post i had! I really want to meet up with my friends from child care and primary school agaiN! I hope one of this day would coME! Let theRe bE a MiraClE! *praY*
Friday, December 03, 2004? Friday, December 03, 2004
HAd a tiring day today! went out to meet Guowei at 11.30. had lunch at Long John Silver before heading downtown to search for jobs! we saw on the newpaper ad that they are hiring people to work in the hotel banquet. I called to check and then i jus realised that the place is ritz carlton. we went there to fill in an application form, well had really hard time trying to find the place but managed to in the end. The next place we went to was at Bras basah complex, they are hiring waitress well with working time of 5-10pm about $5 PER HOUR and $6 PER HOUR for sat and sun. well nice offer, but the timing is not flexible. I wanted to find a job with flexible timing. Gave up that offer. Went to Suntec to meet Jeremy, Yong Siang and Lydia who are also currently looking for jobs. We went to Food court to have a drink first before we headed down to the sushi shop there for interview. The 3 of them went for the interview, while Gw and i waited for them. Well from wat they said.. the pay is low, have to memorise alot of things and it sucks. Our next stop was Tony Roma's. the 3 of them filled the application form already, so gw and i filled the application form today while waiting for the interview.. This job offer is great because the hours are flexible and the pay is about $5 Per hour and during days like christmas, it will be double the salary. We had wanted to go to the next stop for another job interview at pearl river restaurant but currently the manager wasn't there so we couldn't go for the interview. before we go there we have to make a call at 6.30pm to check whether the manager is there. Well had lots of free time till 6.30. We went into the pet shop, the person there let us play with the cute black hamster and later we talked to this person who joined the singapore idol and is Olinda's friend! hahaz.. we talked alot of stuff with her on how happy we are that taufik won. Even gave her my number for her to call us if there is any job vacancies. Went to the arcade later to play the music machines. Then finally we made our way to the restaurant. We met the manager, she told us that the pay is $5.50 perhour and it is for the wedding banquet. we can have our dinner there before we start to work on the day itself. This job is cool! hahaz! and we all gt the job! hahaz!!! manz..i never felt so satisfied in my whole life! i felt so happy that i slogged out so hard today to get this joB!! hahaz! manz..i hope i am in for the job at TonY Romas *praY HaRd* it would be another source to make money! Had our dinner at KIm San in bishan. saw Yuwen there. walked home with Ys later...i think i walked too much today. now the veins on my feet are all popping up!
? Friday, December 03, 2004

Fun loving, childish, innocent and pureYou are a sprite of the Air: Fun loving and
childish your naive nature only enhances how
truly cute you are! You may come off as too
childish but only because your not burdened
with all the rules and regulations of
adulthood. You are carefree most of the time
spending your days playing tag or naming all
the clouds you see in the sky. You are
generally kind to everyone because you have
lots of love and happiness to share! Making
friends comes easy because they strive for the
innocence you possess but be careful, being as
nice and kind hearted as you are people will
try to manipulate your nature if they have not
already. Don't ever let anyone mold you to
their standards although I doubt anyone could.
.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by I had my PMS outing Today! It was so fun! I haven't been going out with Phoe and Sam for a long time already! hahaz.. finally today is the day! we met at 11 and we went to PS to caTch a movie! ShuTTEr! Nice show but nt that scary at all...but i almost gt a heart attack when ppl in the cinema espically some girls screamed like mad like that..u know all those high pitched scream.. the person in the show didn't even was so irritating.. we watched it at 1.35. Since it was still early about 11.37, we went to have our lunch at the food court. Sam had this yu pian ban mian, phoe had mee hoon gua and i had tomyam ban mian! i have to say it taste really delicious! After that we spent the remaining time walking around PS and went to the arcade to play too. we met BIlly and his friends at PS too, it was so coincidental, yesterday i met Billy and today i saw him agaiN! aFter the movie which was about 3 plus, we took a train to somerset and walked around cineleisure. We met SperMz, patricia and yi xin there. Decided to stop for a rest at LiPz cafE, we read MaGaziNes together. For the first time, i didn't know that reading magazines was so much fun. Decided to bet on who will win on the star awards showed in 8 days. Talked and crapped on lots of stuFfs. mostly i crapped alot on SaM's hair and shirt! her hair is goLden in colour! like a golden mOnKEY! hahaz.. she said it was supposed to be grey! but it wasn't! she dropped a drop of perfume on her shirt. wellz, the perfume was supposed to be volatile which will disappear in a while.. but it DIDN'T! hahaz.. it appeared to me like a grease stain! we sat in the cafe till about 5 plus. Heerens was our next stop, went around looking for jobS. Sam went to the dunno wat red something shop and filled in the form for employment. It will only be confirmed only on tuesday when the boss returns. Well, i dun think i suit that job there because mostly it sells quite alot of like punk shirts and jackets. hahaz.. well had a fun time filling in the application form together! Then we walked around Heerens. Took a train back to bishan. Phoe stopped at Toa Payoh. Went with Sam to find and take some stuffs from her sis. Then accompanied her to eat tomyam. I didn't eat, but i tried a little bit of her soup and manz.. it tasted like maggie mee tomyam! the taste is a total different one! The previous tomyam sold by the person was better. well, according to sam, think the person is now working at some cd shop in bugis. hahaz..i can't imagine that! I reached home about 6.40pm.. i should say it was another enjoyable day out together as PMS! hahaz..
olivia came to my house to help me bring some food over to yong siang's house. Later we met JJ at his house, his mother fetched us there to the chalet. We really had alot of stuffs with us. we checked in the chalet at about 3 plus coming to 4. our unit was K 2032. when we reached there, andrew, Gw, Ys and jeremy were already there. later, arjun, Ros, LB and VerN came. They went to wild wild wet to enjoy themselves, while the rest of us stayed in the chalet playing card games! Lydia and Kuo hsiung came later too. We played card games and watched the incredibles vcd brought by pac to the chalet. we used his discman by connecting it to the tv to watch! manz the incredibles are so funny and cute! we watched till 8 plus in the night as we waited for them to return b4 going for dinner! Had our dinner at food junction there, and after that we spent our time in the arcade until about 12 plus. Olivia and i decided to go back first, we bathe then settled down wif tv shows. Later everyone came back and snatched the toilet for bathing! the guys played and talk till quite late in the early morning about 4 plus. It was so noisy but fun. many ppl stayed overnight in the chalet, about 13 ppl excluding ros. Kh, Pac, Ly, Oli and i shared the beds while Gw and Jj slpt on the floor. The rest of them shared the mattress. I shld sy i had a hard night, i slpt beside Ly and pac. Because Pac is a guy, i sort of have the difficulty of slping facing him. So i had to face ly on the other side or face upright on the bed. mY back was achiNg!
woke up at abt 7 plus in the morning! went swimming at 9 plus wif Kh, JJ, Ys, Pac, Vern, LB and Ly! they had this very cool glass panel where we can see ppl walking below. I spent some time underwater trying to get someone to wave to me! eh there were many Dao ppl. hahaz.. but finally after some time, a cute boy finally waved to mE! wuahahahaz..i was so happy! we had our breakfast cum lunch at KFC. Later the rest went to bowl, olivia, Gw and i decided to go back first. i went back to get some nice slp! there was no one there to snatch the comfy bed from me! Actually i intended to watch sesame street on kids central, was too tired, i dozed off instead. We started bBq right after i came back wif olivia and guowei from my grandma's house. manz.. the guys taken quite a long time to start the fire, but they managed to do it. At bbq we had pork chops, otah, satays, Bee HOOns and chicken Wings! bbq till quite ate in the night! still had lots of unfinished food. olivia, ly and me, we cooked everything and brought it up for late supper!
later the guys and ly went to play PooL! It was SpeRmz (peng fei) TreaT! decided to forgo the pool, i was so tired. guowei, olivia and i took turns to bathe. Watched U channel the variety show by jacky! hahaz.. damn funny.. the show gt gw and me laughing like mad! hahaz.. later the guys came back, they dunno who to bathe first, so they played Daidee! the losers had to face a punishment by drinking the alcohol brought to the chalet by jJ, heard the alcohol content was about 55 %! Ys won the game followed by JJ then Kh! the rest like sperm and JeremY! they lost alot! and poor spermz was the record holder for losing the most by drinking 7 such cups! It was the last night that we all are gonna spend together in the chalet. Spermz helped some of us to tell our fortune through the used of poker cards. We also told each other ghost stories.. manz..i didn't know the guys are so afraid! we all decided to have a toilet break.. olivia went in first then she came out and told the guys that she had checked the toilet.. there is nothing inside there.. still the guys went into the toilet together to PEE! hahaz there were 4 of them!! (Ys, sperm, Kh and JL) hahaz.. later they came back to continue the story... they were so frightened that they all started cuddling one another! wooo...we all talked till about 4 plus cuming to 5. b4 that JJ and guowei were already asleep on the bed when we tell ghost stories, spermz slpt with the both of them on the bed! while the rest of us squeezed onto the two mattress from the pull out beds. Pac was slping rite inside followedby Kh then JL. olivia slpt above my head adn shred pillow wif jeremy. i slept lower down beside jeremy and followed by ly, Ys slpt on the floor.
we woke up at about 9 plus. we packed everything and check out the chalet at abt 10.30. we had our breakfast cum lunch at white sands food court! then after that we went to play CS! hahaz..manz it was so FuN! i managed to kill someone! hey shld be proud of me! cuz i am playing this game for the first time! hahaz...spermz and olivia coached me throughout the game.. played until 1 plus then we took bus 88 back. on the journey everyone were so quiet! all sound asleep! i really enjoyed my stay at the chalet! i hope to have this chalet agaiN!